Fighting Depression
Motivational Article
Fighting Depression
In the world today, most of our loved ones suffer from depression. Our Youths, Teenagers, siblings, Fathers and Mothers and most especially ourselves. Depression today has caused so many damages to our lives. Now we all asks these questions in our daily lives, What is Depression?, How can we fight Depression?, What do we do when we find someone who is depressed?. Surprisingly, we do not get direct answers to these answers, because we ourselves don’t even know when we are depressed. Depression they say is a state, which deals with our emotions and brings us down physically and psychological. This same depression, has consumed lives and made us feel useless, but I tell you, there is a solution to every problem.
How do we fight Depression?
One secret way to fight Depression is by praying. Depression is more of a demonic feeling, that when not put to check and control, is consumes our mind and controls our body and then we do things that we do not do normally. For example, when we are depressed, we do things like: Drinking, Smoking, Drugs and above all it leads to instant Death. We can fight all these by getting closer to God, Not allowing peoples words to get the best of us, Not allowing the devil to control us and get at us, Having a strong spirit to resist it, Talking to people, Getting counselling from the word of God and other people who have gone through what you are going through, And finally, Never allowing your current Situation to way you down. Now all these will help in resisting and controlling Depression and How can we achieve all these? Through prayers , getting to know God more and always meditating on the word of God, which would give no room for the devil to operate. LETS HELP OUR LOVED ONES, COMMUNITY AND MOST, OURSELVES, TO OVERCOME DEPRESSION.
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