Make That Decision
Now before I start, let's go through this question that many people ask. What are decisions? Now, before I give this answer, we all have come across situations which requires our actions. Back to the question, what are decisions? Decisions are actions taking by a person, to determine his or her success in life. We all have had sometimes in our lives, where we need to take Some actions which would either better our lives or tear it apart. Today in our society we have seen situations where decisions are been or meant to be taken by our society and ourselves and we relent because they came very urgently or unexpectedly, then we refer to them as Hard Decisions. Decisions are actions, that are made to improve our livelihood, and take us forward in life, and the moment we relent in taking those actions, it either cost us our joy or brings more joy to us. A wise philosopher once said, one thing constant in life is change and if we don’t undergo and accept changes in our lives, we are doom to failure and regret. Now I guess everyone would also ask this question WHAT IF IT IS A BAD DECISION? Now how do you know a bad decision? When these decisions don’t bring you comfort, happiness and a fulfilled dream, but a good decision does. Now most time we are afraid of making certain decisions because of the risks we believe we might experience. What kind of risk are we talking about here? Loss of money, Regrets, Financial Crisis and the most common, “What will people say and Do”. Now these risks are most times never a reality and never comes at the end of time, but yet we still kill ourselves in fear and we end up not moving forward. Now, we never ask ourselves, What if risks don’t come, what if I am successful, what if I am making the right decision. Because we have occupied our minds with negativity. The only way we can conquer this fear is by Taking A Step Giving it a try, making that decision that we think is the wrong one, because we might just end up making the best decision of our life. But when we allow that fear to consume us, we end up shedding tears of regret and frustration. No matter how hard it might seem, take that step of change and don’t look at what the world would say or do, because you would be condemned by world if you do not accept that change in life. Making that decision and taking that step might be the best thing you would do to your life. So, TAKE THAT STEP BEFORE IT BECOMES LATE.
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